

Greenovator is always keen to help build a more resilient and sustainable agriculture sector in Myanmar. Thus, we created a Community feature on Green Way application where farmers can communicate and share experience information. The same goes to organizations with the intention of improving livelihoods or making sustainable projects in the agriculture sector. Community feature can be categorized into two types; ‘Public community’ with the automated approval system and ‘Private community’ supervised with the admin’s approval to join. Creating a community on Green Way will increase good impact and reputation among your beneficiary farmers and be a big help for improving their livelihoods. This is one of the sustainable ways to organize and keep in touch with them effectively so that they can also help beneficiaries build a community themselves for their own good. Moreover, the members will have access to effective and efficient features on Green Way for their own sustainable agribusinesses.

A well-developed Admin Dashboard for Private Community on Green Way

The dashboard is set up with a layer of posts approval and the dashboard access will enable the admin to manage members, create announcements shown at the top of the community page and the discussion corner for sharing their knowledge and challenges. Besides, the admin will be able to monitor members’ activities both in the community and on Green Way app and their user privacy will also be confidential for everyone including Greenovator but the community owner organization. In this way, organizations can export their beneficiaries’ data which is really hard to collect on the ground practically.


Community feature, a key solution for your mission accomplishment

Organizations who collaborate with us by using this Community feature can organize their beneficiary farmers in one place and have admin access to monitor their farmers, advise their solutions to their challenges and be closely in touch with them. In that case, since they are able to upload both photo and video, our partners can also provide training programs online for educational purposes in their community to all farmers from every region without having unnecessary physical gatherings out there. After all, Green Way’s community feature is able to offer a more specific audience for your messages and doings to archive for a sustainable project outcome.

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